Parent and Family Engagement Plan






Parent and Family

Engagement Plan

 As a schoolwide Title I school, we assure the following measures to promote and support parents/families as equal partners in supporting student achievement:

·     Invite and encourage parents/families to jointly review, revise, and improve the Schoolwide Plan, the Parent and Family Engagement Plan, and the Parent-Student-Teacher Compact;

·         Invite and encourage parent/family attendance to the school’s Annual Title I Meeting;

·         Involve parents/families in decisions about how Title I, Part A funds are spent;

·         Provide parent/families with timely information in an understandable format Right-to-Know information, and upon request, the professional qualifications of classroom teachers  and paraprofessionals;

·         Provide an individualized student report on their child’s performance on State tests; and

·         Provide a description within the PFEP of how the school will carry out the requirements of Section 1118 of ESSA.

Involvement of Parents

Describe the process of making this plan an ongoing shared responsibility and how parents/families provide input to review and improve this plan.

This plan is available on our district website. We also keep a hard copy in our front office.  Parents are asked to submit suggestions to their child’s teacher.

How do you use the review of the previous year’s plan to retain, revise, or replace strategies to design more effective engagement?

We use our previous PFEP and CNA in order to assess how successful our previous activities have been.  With the limitations created by the CoVid virus, we had no on-campus activities for one and a half years.  

How will you involve parents/families in the decision making of how Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds are spent?

We use a parent survey to invite parents to decide how funds will be used.

What evidence do you have to document parent/family participation in writing/reviewing your PFEP? What evidence do you have that documents parent/family input in spending PFE funds? 

Parents sign the current PFEP  and add any suggestions for the upcoming plan.

Describe how the school will share comments/concerns received from parents/families with stakeholders concerning the Schoolwide Plan and PFEP. How will this plan be made available to the community?

We have an annual Title I meeting where this information is shared. The plan is posted on our school website and is available in the school office upon request by the public. Each child will be given I-Ready assessment results periodically to inform parents as to the level of each child.  Parents also receive information on their child’s reading level and placement (Tier1,2, or 3).

Flexible Parent Meetings

Describe how the school provides flexible dates and times for activities, workshops, events, so that all parents may have an opportunity to attend.

  1. We provide parents with a variety of times for parent conferences, before school, during planning time, and after school.

  2. We schedule after school events after the 21st Century Program at 5:00 or after.

Describe what childcare, home visits and/or transportation services are provided by your school to allow all parents to participate in the education of their child.

Our parents have not expressed a need for services. However, we will address the needs if they arise. 

Annual Parent Meeting

Date and time you will hold your Annual Title I Meeting

November 2nd, 2021 we will have our annual Title One Meeting in person at Ochwilla.

Notification and Invitation:

  • How will the school inform and invite parents/families in a timely manner about the Annual Meeting?

  • How will the school assure the notification and invitations are in a language all parents can understand?

Parents will be notified by notes sent home, advertised on our school website, and school Facebook page. All information will be documented in the Audit Box. 


Please describe how your meeting will cover the required information about:

  •  Benefits to all students in a Title I schoolwide program;

  •  Right-to-know 4-week out-of-field letters & teacher and paraprofessional qualification information,;

  • explanation of curriculum;

  •  assessments used to measure student progress,;

  • expected achievement levels on state tests;

  • PFE funds;

  • School Compact and;

  •  opportunities provided for engagement.

The principal provides parents with all of the required information at the Title I Annual Meeting. Parents are provided with a meeting agenda of items covered. A powerpoint will explain all of the necessary information.  A  copy of the Title I Annual meeting agenda and parent sign-in sheets are provided in the Audit Box.


  • What barriers will you address to encourage parents/families to attend? Ex: Childcare, Transportation, Meals, Translations

At this time our parents have not expressed a need for these accommodations. However, we will address the needs if they arise. 


How will you get feedback from parents about the meeting?

The principal is available after the annual meeting to answer any questions parents may have. Any comments to the principal will be added to the Audit Box. 

Parents who do not attend?

  • How will you get the information home to parents who did not attend the meeting?

Information is sent home with students of parents who are unable to attend. We will also add this information to our school website and Facebook page.

Building Capacity of Parents to Support Their Child 

Explain how parents/families are invited to participate in activities such as parent trainings that are linked to student achievement.

  • How will your school help parents gain an understanding of such topics as: the State’s standards, state assessments, achievement levels of proficiency, and how to monitor their child's progress? 

  • What training or materials will you provide to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s academic achievement?

Title - Topic

Impact on Student Achievement


Tentative Date/Time

Is this flexible to accommodate

parent schedules?





Parent/Teacher Conferences

Teachers are able to discuss with parents individual children and their needs. Teachers provide parents with strategies and resources to help parents support their student’s learning at home. 

Supplies as needed

These meetings are flexible throughout the school year. 

Title One Meeting and Open House

Increased awareness of htee importance of parent involvement.  Parents will gain a better understanding of skills required for increased levels of achievement. Parents will learn about the  teaching tools/resources that are purchased with Title One money.

Supplies as needed

November 2, 2021

Fall Festival

To increase the family and community involvement with fun activities.

Booths for activities 

October 29th, 2021

Kindergarten Parent Night

Parents will learn about kindergarten curriculum, standards, and report cards.


Oct. 22nd 

Bingo for Books

Parents/children will play Bingo to win books.

Bingo game/books

Feb. 2022

Book Fair/AR night

Parents will learn about Accelerated Reader and have the opportunity to purchase books from our Book Fair


Dec. 9th 

Family Science Night

Parents learn about science standards, The Scientific Method, and the NGSSS test.  

Science  supplies


March 2022

  • How do you assess the needs of parents? 

  • How does parent input inform what types of events or workshops you have at your school?

At Ochwilla Elementary School, we assess the needs of our parents through the use of informal questions and answer sessions, parent surveys, and informal interviews.  Once we have determined a need, we plan tentative events and then take the plans back to our parents and get their input on the events.  We also gain parent input through our social media Facebook page.

  • How do you evaluate the effectiveness of capacity building activities?

We use sign in sheets to monitor the number of attendees to our parent programs.  We also look at data, AR tests after AR night, etc. to see if there has been a positive correlation between our parent night and student achievement.

  • Explain how your school implements activities that build relationships with the community, business partners, and churches, to improve student achievements.

We use our CNA and parent concerns to address topics that would benefit parents and the community.  We also evaluate our programs for effectiveness afterwards.

Building the Capacity of Staff (Professional Development)

Please describe the professional development activities the school will provide to educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff on….

  • how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/families as equal partners,

  • the value and utility of contributions of parents/families

  • how to implement and coordinate parent/family programs

  • how to build ties between parents/families and the school

Please describe below how you will provide professional development


Preplanning Staff Meeting

We discuss the importance of home/school connection. We discuss this in depth at our preplanning meeting. We discuss the importance of building bridges with our parents. We discuss that when parents realize we are a team, we can speak to them when an issue may arise. We also discuss how to talk to parents to make them understand that we are equal partners in educating their children. We also discuss the value of parents volunteering in the school so that they feel like they are part of the team educating our children. All sign-in sheets and agendas are included in the Audit Box. 

Entire Staff


Describe how you notify each family in a timely manner in an understandable format when their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is out of field?

We have a four-week letter that is sent home to parents when their child is taught by a teacher who is out of field. Copies are kept in the Title I folder located in the front office for community access. 

Describe how you provide each family with timely notice in an understandable format information regarding their right to request information on the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals.

We send a letter home in children’s folders informing parents of their right to know at the beginning of each school year. 

Describe how parents are informed of the curriculum, forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels students are expected to obtain.

This information is available to parents in the Parent/Student/Family handbook. It is also discussed at our annual Title I meeting. The handbook can be found on our website. Some of this information is provided in our monthly newsletter.

Describe how the school will provide each family on individualized report about their child’s performance on state assessments.

Test results are given to each parent when they are received from the state. At the end of the school year, parents are informed with a letter that states, when test results arrive, they will receive notification by phone or the school Facebook page. Parents pick up the information, or individual children bring it home, or it is mailed home. 

Describe how you ensure that your school holds parent-teacher conferences during which the compact is discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. How is this requirement documented that it occured? (This is a requirement for elementary schools only)

The compact is located on the back of every parent/teacher conference form so that it may be referred to easily. Teachers keep copies of all parent/teacher conferences, along with notes on what was discussed. Parents receive a copy of this form. 

Coordination and Integration

Describe how you coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement activities in the programs listed below to help parents help their child at home.

  • Homeless

Notes home to parents. Federal Programs Homeless Liaison is available to provide homeless services and support. 

  • Migrant

The school does not currently have migrant students. However, Federal Programs Title IC staff is available for support if needed. 

  • Headstart


  • Title II

Staff development is available through Federal Programs Title II funding. 

  • Title III - ELL

Notes home to parents. Federal Programs ELL Support Leader is available if needed through Federal Programs Title III.

  • Title IV

Federal Programs Title IV funding supports the purchase of supplies for well-rounded education. 

  • Title V

Federal Programs Title V funding supports professional development for teachers and administrators and supplies and materials to support professional development. 

  • ESE

IEP meetings annually and parent/teacher conferences.

  • Neglected and 


Federal Programs staff is available to support N&D students if needed. 

  • SAC


  • PIDAC/MPAC (Migrant Parent Advisory Council)

We have two parents who attend these meetings monthly. 


Notes home to school volunteers. 

  • Community 


Local businesses contribute to our fall festival. They are also contributing to our recently added Ag program. 

  • Business 


Local businesses contribute to our fall festival. They are also contributing to our recently added Ag program.

  • Other

Civic Organizations contribute to special school projects. 


What opportunities do parents have to participate in their child’s education?

  • Volunteer?

  • Mentor?

  • SAC?

  • PTO/PTA?

  • Other?

Parents are encouraged to volunteer within the school.  We have various opportunities for them to volunteer. We also have a PTO who helps with fundraising events and needs of the school. During a typical year we document the activities volunteers help with and the time spent at the school. 

What forms of communication do you provide parents in an understandable and uniform format as it relates to:

  • school and parent programs

  • meetings

  • school reports

  • other activities

Notes home, Facebook page, school website-We always document this information in our Audit Box. 

What barriers hinder participation by parents in parental engagement activities?

What steps will you take this school year to overcome these barriers - with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background. 

Please address the subgroup populations that are included in your schoolwide plan data.

Parents have not expressed barriers that hinder them from participating in school events or activities. However, we will address these needs if they arise. 

How does your school provide information to parents in their native language?

What languages do you provide?

Do you provide translators or facilitators at parent events/workshops? Or, do you provided workshops in a parent’s native language? Explain.

Currently we have all English speaking parents; however, we have some information in Spanish if needed. We currently have a district employee work with our bilingual students and parents on Wed. and Thurs. of each week.

How will the school encourage and support additional opportunities for more meaningful engagement for parents/families in the education of their child?

  • Parent/Family Resource Centers

  • Parent Liaison

  • Other

We will encourage parents to have parent/teacher meetings as needed. Consideration is given to suggestions made by parents for alternative opportunities for involvement.  Activities are also highlighted in our newsletter.